So now you know why American fridges are so big. Actually the packs on the left represent the premium, chilled end of Ice Tea, there’s another 5 metre section amongst ambient soft drinks where it comes by the gallon (even the Arizona brand. Travesty!)

The embossed and tamper sealed plastic carafes certainly leave no doubts about quality and care, and for me Gold Peak just shades it for capturing more authenticity and taste. The more health-conscious would probably go for Pure Leaf, so that’s good category management.

The barely branded Iced Coffee packs from International Delight (could any words mean less?) have clearly gone through a smart reappraisal of their shelf standout (I can almost detect the eye-tracking study). The improvements in message hierarchy are abundantly clear, almost a delight. Not sure if I should drink the other brand, or use it to make my clothes smell of latté.