Despite being a ‘public service’ (as opposed to ‘commercial’) broadcaster, the BBC puts many big-spending corporations to shame when it comes to brand creation.

Quite apart from its expertly managed own brand, and innovative sub-brands like BBC i-player, it has also created global programme brands, tapping into universal human needs for connection, empowerment and…. driving very fast.

The Top Gear brand already had strong values and raving fans, built up over years of exposure to the non-PC views of its iconic presenter Jeremy Clarkson. But with ‘The Stig’ they have enriched the story immensely, introducing a masked silent hero with special powers.

Top Gear also celebrates other aspects of good old-fashioned blokey pursuits, hence these novelty Stig toiletries (including Soap-on-a-Rope!) will surely sell out. For me the product names in Dymo-tape panels is a touch of retro-design genius.