Er tegenaan!

No, the spellcheck hasn’t broken.

This is a Dutch saying.

It literally means ‘against it’, but in that wonderful way language works, it also means ‘kick some ass!’

In polite English: ‘Let’s get this done’.



Language is an amazing tool.

Along with opposable thumbs, it has been responsible for all of the achievements of humankind.

Communication allows collaboration.

“We’re going to put a man on the moon”.

“I’d like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony”.

Turns out the first one is easier.



But language has an even better trick than that.


Brian Clark of Copyblogger nailed it: ‘Metaphors ignite understanding’.

Metaphors replace facts with emotions, without changing the facts.

“My heart is broken.”

“I’m walking on sunshine.”

Professor Stacy Pies says that a metaphor, once understood, is “a moment of intimacy between minds that’s satisfying, pleasurable and meaningful.”

Who wouldn’t want some of that?


Walking On Sunshine


A brand is a metaphor. It also replaces facts with emotions, without changing the facts.

Those ‘moments of intimacy between minds’ are created by the best advertising.

“Good things come to those who wait”

“The ultimate driving machine”

“Finger lickin’ good”

According to Mark Ritson, only about 20% of advertising enables people to remember the brand. The other 80% he describes as “a bucket of warm piss”.

No thanks.



So what does it mean to brand advertising properly?

Impregnate it with your distinctive assets.

(Metaphorically speaking.)

This is not: “make the logo bigger”.

It’s communicating through your assets, not bolting them on at the end.

Here’s a masterclass:



This ad is made from the brand name, logo, typeface and colours.

And a brilliant idea.



Brand communication is a balance between engagement and recognition.

Engagement means emotion: intimacy between minds.

Recognition is distinctive assets.

How many red square objects can your brain find here?

Here’s how we made the pack one that you can’t miss.



We hope you enjoyed this edition of Unpredictable.

If you did, please pass it on.

Then go make big things happen for your brand.

Er tegenaan!